Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Darn You, Stupid WebMaster

I am only slightly ashamed to admit that I do a teeny bit of blogging while at work. Or at least I did until this week. Our I.T. department has tightened up the reins on what sites are deemed inappropriate for viewing on work time, and unfortunately for me, Blogger and Yahoo Mail are among those sites that our WebMaster now blocks. {Oddly enough, Twitter and YouTube, which were previously unavailable, can now be viewed.} No more checking and responding to personal and garter~related email throughout the day. No more logging onto Blogger to check out what my favorite bloggers are saying when I have a few minutes of down time, or posting a new post that I worked on during my break. I can't even leave blog comments using my Google username! I did just figure out that I can still comment on Blogspot blogs using just my name and URL {so if my comments look different now, that's why} , which is better than nothing, but I'm still bummed out about the whole thing. Stupid, stupid WebMaster. I don't like you at all.


Kristina P. said...

Whenever I come to work on Monday, I'm always scared that Blogger will be blocked. I've worked here for almost 3 years, and they never have, but my commenting would go down considerable.

Rhonda said...

Hey! I cannot believe blogger is blocked but not Youtube! That is crazy!

Badass Geek said...

Webmaster logic is always lost on me. Why they leave sites like Facebook or Myspace available (as they do in my wifes office) but block sites like Blogger.

Kathy Campbell said...

That is so so odd! Crazyness....

Jen said...

Boo hiss! That's terrible - but I can see why they do it, I guess :) you need an iphone! hee hee!

J.J. said...

boo to being blocked!!!!! Kind of interesting that SOME sites are blocked...and SOME are not. :(

Unknown said...

Why on earth do they need to be spying on what we look at on the internet anyways? I mean what do they want us to
