Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Favorite Thing of the Week ~ Blessings

Last week, life was so crazy that I missed out on doing my “favorite thing of the week” posting. So I’ll try to make this one extra good! Here it is ~ my favorite thing of the week ~ BLESSINGS!

I am blessed in so many ways, but I have to admit that I often take these blessings for granted. And I have so much to be thankful for! I’m committed to taking the time to recognize these blessings more though, and what better way to do that than to blog about them?!?

I am blessed with parents who love me and who, as I have gotten older, have become my best friends. I have always had an amazing relationship with both of my parents, but only began to realize how special this is after witnessing less~than~stellar relationships between other parents and children. I hope to one day have equally wonderful relationships with my own children.

I am blessed with employment. I do have to make a tiny confession about my job ~ I do’t LOVE it. I like it fairly well ~ the pay is decent, I love the people I work with, I have adequate health care coverage, it’s not overly stressful, and it’s a ten-minute drive from home. It doesn’t challenge me though, and it’s far from my dream job of working from home and sewing all day. (Can’t have it all, can we?) But in these trying times, when so many people are unemployed or in danger of being laid off, I am so fortunate to have a job at all, much less one that I enjoy most days and that has a relative amount of stability. It is the blessing that keeps a roof over my head, food in my tummy, and clothes on my back.

I am blessed with happiness. I’ve made some poor decisions in past relationships, and for a very, very long time, I was incredibly unhappy. I managed to convince myself that it was better to be unhappy than be alone, and so I stayed in an unhealthy relationship for far longer than I should have. At the time, my greatest fear was of being alone; now, it is of being unhappy. With this in mind, I make conscious decisions to BE happy, and life is so much more enjoyable now!

I am blessed with health. This is the blessing I probably take for granted the most ~ until I see or hear about someone who is in poor health, I usually forget that my health is something to be thankful for at all! But it is, nonetheless, and apart from a bad back that acts up on occasion, I am 100% healthy, and 100% thankful for that.

I am blessed with a Heavenly Father who is understanding and forgiving, and who always listens to and answers our prayers (although He does not always answer them in the ways we hope).

And last but certainly not least, I am blessed with a wonderful boyfriend. Nathan is supportive, loving, and understanding. He accepts all of my quirks and doesn’t get too upset when I leave ribbon, yarn, and half-finished projects all over the house. He’ll even stop what he’s doing to help me search for missing pins that I drop on the carpet while sewing! Very deserving of the Best Boyfriend in the World title, if you ask me! He truly is my best friend and I am so lucky to have found him again after all these years apart.

Feeling VERY blessed,


megan said...

It was nice to read about the Blessings you are thankful for!

I am so thankful to the Lord for the blessings of my family, my husband and children. I am also thankful for the grace of God in my life, I have been through so much that he has carried me through.

Thank you for reminding us to think about our blessings!!

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

What a lucky girl you are! It sounds like your parents are so awesome. And it's so great that you found a wonderful boyfriend!

Have a great week!


Leah said...

Enjoyed your list. :)

Unknown said...

I loved that you called each one of these thing "Blessings" and recognizing that God graciously gave them all to us!

I can relate to not "loving" your job, but being thankful that you have it. I encourage you to work towards your goal of doing what you love!! Life is too short not to!


Tanielle said...

Great blessings you have in your life!!

Hope you have a great Monday!!!

Rhonda said...

Hi Heather...
Great blessings list! I'm sure you were thankful this week at FMM was easy for you. You have many blessings to be thankful for. Thanks for sharing them! You are a beautiful blogging friend!

Christie in Dallas, TX said...

What a wonderful and thoughtful list! It sounds like you have a great perspective on everything in life and have become a better person for it. Thanks for the encouragement!

momma said...

great blessings!