Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Someone Thinks I Made a Splash ~ An Award from Vivienne!

Vivienne at The V Spot just gave me the Splash award!

This means she thinks my blog is alluring, amusing, bewitching, impressive, and/or inspiring! Crazy, isn't it?!? Of course I am incredibly flattered! And excited to pass the award other bloggers who I in turn am allured, amused, bewitched, impressed, and inspired by!

First off, I would like to return the award to Vivienne, whose blog I love reading on a daily basis. Viv is hilarious, blunt, and has an amazing way with words. Her tales of life with four boys and a husband are always entertaining. If you haven't checked out her blog, be sure to do so soon ~ you're missing out!

I would also like to give the Splash Award to:

JennyKate @ JennyKate's Spot

Andrea @ My Chihuahua Bites!

Shawn @ Seriously

JenJen @ Tatertots and Jello

Have a wonderful Thursday ~ the weekend is almost here!


jennykate77 said...

Congrats on the award! You deserve it!

And you passed it on to me...

Awe! Thanks so much, Sweet Pea! I'm totally flattered! I think your blog is wonderful!

Hope you've been having a great week!

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

aaaaaw! Gee! :)
You are a sweetie. I love coming by and reading your blog and am looking forward to more pix of the PUPPY!

Shawn said...

You're such a sweetheart! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Jen @ said...

Thanks so much Heather! You are such a sweet blogging friend. I'm so glad to know you!


AndreaLeigh said...

thanks girl! that is so sweet!