Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Joys of a New Home

We’ve begun the move into our new house and are both pretty excited about being in a new place that is just ours. (I’ve enjoyed living with Dear Little Brother and Dear Almost~Little~Sister~in~Law but it’s time for us to be on our own.) The house has some features that I love: hardwood floors throughout the main area of the house ~ no more vacuuming for me!; three bedrooms, which means that we each get our own room to do whatever we want with ~ I’m turned mine into the sewing room I’ve always wanted; a secret room off the upstairs bathroom that will be perfect for storage and for hiding in should our house ever be raided; and a beautiful shaded yard that will be perfect for my Daisy pup once we bring her home.

The house is an older home, built sometime in the 1940’s, so of course it has all the charm of a house from that era. Unfortunately, this charm comes with a few features I’m not overly crazy about. The first, and most annoying, is the missing dishwasher. The only time I’ve ever lived without a dishwasher was the year I lived in the dorm, and to be honest, I didn’t do much fine dining then. Washing dishes by hand is far from my favorite thing, but I suppose I best be getting used to it!

Our new kitchen is also lacking a garbage disposal. Surprise surprise, I know. Scraping plates into the garbage instead of washing excess food down the sink is a new thing for me. I feel like I’m going back to the Stone Age! I wonder where I can find one of these cute little kitchen pails...

I suppose I should be happy that the house has washer and dryer hookups (I have a wonderful set of front~loading machines) and that I don’t have to use one of these for the laundry!

Promise to post pictures of the new place soon,


Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

well, with the hardwoods, you may get out of vacuuming, but I have a new word for ya: Swiffer.

The dishwasher/garbage disposal thing is a bummer, but why would you want a cute scrap bucket? Then you just have one more thing to wash...

Congrats on your new place and looking forward to photos!

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

Hi Heather!

How exciting about your new home! I love hardwood floors.

Can you put a garbage disposal in? My hubby has put a few in our different homes and it wasn't that hard. I think they are about $100 at Home Depot.
