Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fabulous Finds Friday & Friday Confessions ~ May 1st

Happy May Day! It's Friday (thank goodness!) and time for Fabulous Finds Friday AND Friday Confessions!

This week is very light on fabulous finds ~ I've still been pretty busy with work and unpacking our new place. Man, moving is exhausting! But it does feel good to finally be getting settled in and I love the fact that I am now just five minutes away from work! This will be perfect when Daisy comes home ~ I'll be able to come home on my lunch break to let her out and have a little cuddle time. Seven weeks and one day (and counting!) before she'll be here with us!

Back to business though ~ instead of my usual fabulous finds, I'm just going to share what Nate baked last night because it truly was fabulous. He made the most delicious cookies by adding Andes mints to a chocolate chip cookie recipe. So so yummy, and a fun twist on an all~time favorite dessert. (I have a guy who cooks and bakes. How lucky am I?!? On top of that, he made me a fabulous lunch for today including a chef salad, carrots, and of course, an Andes mint~chocolate chip cookie!) I guess the fact that I ate three of these little bites of heaven tonight means that I really blew my new "healthy eating" resolution for the day... They really are amazing though, and I would totally recommend surprising your family and friends with a little something extra in their chocolate chip cookies!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Now onto Friday Confessions with JennyKate. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed writing down little things to share for this throughout the week. It's a fun way to confess little tidbits about myself, and I've really enjoyed learning more about JennyKate through her confessions. I think it would be great if we could get more people to join in! Here are my weekly confessions:

  • I started my new weight loss plan on Monday and managed to cheat that day and the next ~ I shared an ice cream Drumstick with Nate Monday night and had half a maple bar Tuesday morning at work (I just couldn’t resist the yummy smell). Oh and then there were the Andes mint~chocolate chip cookies last night... I clearly have zero self~control.
  • I may be addicted to the Internet in general and the blog world specifically… We were without Internet last weekend due to our move and I literally went through withdrawals! Thank goodness I can check my email and MckMama’s Twitter updates on my phone, or I would have gone insane!
  • I have a rather extensive collection of beer bottle caps. I started collecting them last year when Dear Almost~Little~Brother~in~Law jokingly suggested it would be fun to collect a bunch ~ I thought it would be fun to make some sort of project out of them, maybe a table top for our game room or something. I now have two boxes full of them (a friend gifted me some from a friend of a friend’s dad or something like that), and if I’m honest with myself, I know that I will probably never make anything out of them. But I can’t get rid of them and I can’t stop collecting them!
  • I am not much of a list maker. I never use them to grocery shop ~ usually I have no problem remembering everything I need to buy. But this week was a little different ~ as we were moving in, the list of things we needed to pick up for the house grew and grew and grew. So I decided to break away from my normal routine, and make an actual list. I was so proud of myself ~ I added to the list throughout the week as I discovered little things we needed. We went to WalMart last night to make our purchases, and completely forgot to grab the list! Fortunately, we were able to remember all but two of the items!
That's it for this week. Have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend!


Favorite Thing of the Week ~ Our Bathtub

Up until a few years ago, I was not a “bath” girl. The idea of sitting in my own filth, staring at my naked body, was far from appealing, and I was strictly a shower taker. After one long, stressful day, I must have finally decided to give a bath a try (I don’t remember the exact circumstances) and ever since then, I have L~O~V~E~D baths. A nice warm bath and a Reader’s Digest became a fine way to relax and escape from whatever might have been bothering me at the time.

I had to give up baths a little over a year ago when I moved into a house (or rather a bathroom) that didn’t have a tub. Our old house did have a tub, but it happened to be in the bathroom that was not mine. I don’t know about you, but bathing in someone else’s tub is not my idea of a relaxing, good time. So imagine my excitement when we moved into a new house with a bathtub! (It’s not nearly as fabulous as the clawfoot tub pictured above, but it does the trick.) I took my first bath in it last night and it was wonderful. I didn't stay in for long because the water wasn't quite as warm as I like (I ran out of hot water ~ we live in a very old house with an apparently very old water heater), but it sure was nice to soak for a little bit. And I'm so thrilled to now be able to soak whenever I feel like it! Which is why our bathtub is my favorite thing of the week!

Are you a bath person? If so, do you just relax while you soak, or do you like to read or do some other activity while in the tub?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Someone Thinks I Made a Splash ~ An Award from Vivienne!

Vivienne at The V Spot just gave me the Splash award!

This means she thinks my blog is alluring, amusing, bewitching, impressive, and/or inspiring! Crazy, isn't it?!? Of course I am incredibly flattered! And excited to pass the award other bloggers who I in turn am allured, amused, bewitched, impressed, and inspired by!

First off, I would like to return the award to Vivienne, whose blog I love reading on a daily basis. Viv is hilarious, blunt, and has an amazing way with words. Her tales of life with four boys and a husband are always entertaining. If you haven't checked out her blog, be sure to do so soon ~ you're missing out!

I would also like to give the Splash Award to:

JennyKate @ JennyKate's Spot

Andrea @ My Chihuahua Bites!

Shawn @ Seriously

JenJen @ Tatertots and Jello

Have a wonderful Thursday ~ the weekend is almost here!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Great Puppy Search of ’08-’09 ~ Daisy is Here!

Daisy's breeder emailed me over the weekend ~ she was born Saturday morning! Here are a few pictures!

She's so tiny, but I think she's adorable and I'm so excited to bring her home!


Monday, April 27, 2009

New Year’s Resolutions Revisited

I have a tiny confession to make ~ I have failed horribly at keeping my New Year’s resolutions, particularly the one about working out more and eating healthier. I’ve gotten hit three times so far this year with awful colds, which hasn’t helped me stay on a regular workout schedule, and I’ve made my garter business a higher priority than my physical well~being. The result: absolutely no change in my weight! Here is a look back at what I had vowed to do starting in January:

~ Pilates and/or yoga five days a week (I love doing both, and have noticed real changes in my body as a result of doing each consistently
~ 40 minutes of cardio three days a week
~ Strength training in my office four days a week (I have a somewhat secluded office and do squats, plies, abs and arms throughout the day to keep my blood flowing and break up the monotony of life in an office)
~ Eat a healthier diet ~ more fruits and veggies, less carbs and chocolate (as much as I hate to do it, I’m going to limit my pasta intake, and try to cut back on the yummy Lean Cuisine frozen meals I bring for lunch because they are so high in sodium)

I am just about fed up with my favorite jeans fitting just a bit too tight, so I’ve decided to revamp my resolutions and climb back on the weight~loss train. I think part of my problem is that I wasn’t specific enough with the steps I was going to take to keep my resolution and meet my goal of losing the ten pounds I’ve gained since Nate and I got together. Here is my new plan:

~ Make a workout schedule for the week each Sunday. We usually know how our week is going to play out by Sunday, and having a set schedule will ensure that I get in the cardio, Pilates/yoga, and strength training I need every week and that I make working out a priority over garter making.
~ Cut back on/eliminate after~dinner snacking. If I absolutely have to have a snack, I will grab an apple or some carrots.
~ Make monthly weight loss goals and write them down! According to Jillian Michaels, we are more likely to reach goals that we have written down ~ 95% of people who have not written down their goals fail to meet them!

~ Write down everything I eat and try to keep my daily caloric intake around 1400 calories. I will give myself one or two “free” meals a week, although this won’t mean freedom to pig out.
~ Eat a salad at least once a day.
~ Keep a list of the fruit and veggies we have on the fridge. I so often buy apples and carrots and forget that we have them. A reminder of the healthy snacks we have should help me to eat them instead of chips or cookies and will help prevent the fruit and veggies from rotting in the fridge. Gross, I know, but it’s been known to happen.

Wish me luck! I plan to blog about my progress ~ hopefully knowing that I will be sharing my journey will help keep me accountable!

Happy Tuesday!


Friend Makin' Mondays ~ 5 Senses

This week for Friend Makin’ Mondays (hosted by Kasey at All That Is Good), we are doing the 5 Senses Tag from Outside My Kitchen Window. We are to list four things we love and one thing we dislike for each category.

1. roses
2. chocolate chip cookies or brownies baking in the oven
3. my mom’s spaghetti sauce ~ it smells so good that you don’t even need to eat it to enjoy it
4. Victoria’s Secret Endless Love ~ it’s my favorite soap scent
1. Dear Almost~Little~Brother~in~Law’s farts ~ they’re the worst!

1. my kitty, Lily’s fur ~ she is so soft and I could just pet her for hours!
2. cool air blowing through the open windows at night when I’m bundled up in bed
3. Nate’s skin ~ it’s so smooth!
4. warm towels right out of the dryer
1. mud ~ it’s just gross!

1. Nate’s voice ~ he has an amazing singing and speaking voice ~ it’s really deep! (And of course, it’s an added bonus if he’s telling me he loves me when I get to hear it.)
2. my bird, Cricket’s little chirpy noises
3. any kind of music that makes me want to dance
4. laughter ~ it’s always nice to hear the sound of happiness
1. ambulance or fire truck sirens ~ I always worry about what has happened and hope that everyone involved is okay

1. chocolate
2. raspberries
3. our favorite dinner ~ chicken and rice with white sauce and corn
4. Crystal Light Cherry Pomegranate ~ it’s a current favorite
1. potatoes. yuck. (After getting several comments questioning my potato dislike, I think I should explain ~ I will eat french fries, but that's where I draw the line. I just can't stand the mushiness of other types of potatoes. I'm really picky when it comes to the texture of my food. :)~ )

1. Nate
2. any kind of feline ~ I love cats, and seeing one always makes me smile
3. a finished project that I’m really pleased with ~ I love to just look at creations I’m happy with :o)
4. a clean, organized house, which is what I’d really like to see right now considering ours is filled with unpacked boxes at the moment
1. blood, in real life or on t.v. ~ always makes me cringe!
Have a fabulous Monday!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Poppyseed Dressing {or Delicious, Fatty Goodness} ~ My New Guilty Pleasure

I first experienced poppyseed dressing several months ago when a co~worker brought in one of those yummy salad mixes that come complete with dressing and toppings. The mix was Fresh Express’s Pacifica mix, and I swear, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven after my first bite. Not only did the mix include the most delicious dressing I’d ever tried, but it also included soy beans and sunflower seeds for the salad topping ~ a pleasant change from the usual croutons that adorn my salads. Mmmm Mmmm good. Nate and I bought the mix a few times to have with dinner, and I soon discovered that I was addicted to the wonderful poppyseed dressing goodness.

As it’s not practical to make daily purchases of salad mixes that are $3.49 a pop (unless you catch the rare sale and can get them for $1.99 each), I began my quest for poppyseed dressing in a bottle. And as I’ve been trying to eat healthy lately, in my search I ignored any dressings I came across that were not low~cal and low~fat. I’m sad to report that this left for slim pickings. The only dressing I could find that met my qualifications was a store brand’s disgusting Poppyseed and Caramelized Onion dressing. It was maybe the worst stuff I’ve ever tasted. Really, they should offer free dressing samples at the grocery store so you know what you’re getting before you buy it and thus don’t get stuck with multiple bottles of nasty dressing filling up the door of your refrigerator… But I digress. And so the search continued. I searched every grocery store in our area. I searched online. And came up with a big, fat nothing. I’d given up. Low~cal, low~fat poppyseed dressing was not to be mine.

Which brings me to yesterday. My craving for poppyseed dressing was close to unbearable. I decided that I was going to find my dressing and enjoy it, regardless of the calorie and fat content. Our local Safeway pulled through for me ~ I found a delicious~looking poppyseed dressing in the refrigerated section next to the salad mixes. And delicious it was. With its whopping 150 calories and 13 grams of fat per 2 tbsp serving. How’s that for counteracting any of the benefits you might get from eating a salad?!? I did come up with a trick for enjoying my dressing and not adding ten pounds a week to my tush ~ I’ll limit myself to my new favorite dressing once or twice a week, and when I do treat myself to it, I’ll just put one tablespoon of it in a small container and dip my fork into the dressing before spearing my lettuce. That way, I’ll get the flavor of the dressing with (hopefully) a minimal amount of the calories and fat.

Thank you for reading this rambling ode to poppyseed dressing. I’m just so excited to have found some that I love that I had to share!

Fabulous Finds Friday & Friday Confessions ~ April 24th

Welcome to Friday! I'm doing something new this week ~ I'm sharing a few confessions in addition to my fabulous finds. But more about that later... I only have a few fabulous finds this week ~ we’ve been so busy moving (which I am absolutely tired of, to be perfectly honest!) and I haven’t had a lot for fabulous find finding. But here is what I did find and would like to share!

My favorite fabulous find of the week is the Crystal Light On the Go packet. I know these little babies have been around for awhile, but I had never tried and/or purchased them before this week. We picked up a few packets in Vegas to add to the flat of bottled water we purchased, and I am hooked! I bought some Sunday night, and have been adding them to my water bottle all week. Having a little bit of Raspberry Ice or Cherry Pomegranate to spice up my blah water makes it so much easier to get my daily 8 glasses of 8 ounces!

During my Internet wanderings this week, I ran across this adorable little
embroidery pattern for corset sachets. I have always been a big fan of corsets and lingerie in general ~ working at Victoria’s Secret for six months will do that to you ~ and I am now positive that I need a few of these in my drawers to keep everything smelling lovely!

I discovered an A~M~A~Z~I~N~G craft room yesterday ~ it's oh so organized and full of all sorts of fun craft supplies. Who else is jealous?!?

I'm hoping I can talk Dear Boyfriend into helping me make a ribbon rack like the one above... Fingers crossed!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
This week, I'm joining JennyKate, a new bloggy friend who I absolutely adore, for Friday Confessions, which she hosts on her blog every week. This is a great opportunity to make any confessions that you need to get off your chest or feel might entertain others. Without further ado, here are mine for the week.
  • Somehow I completely spaced out in the shower Wednesday morning and managed to get out without fully rinsing the conditioner out of my hair. The result ~ a nasty, greasy patch in my hair that I tried (unsuccessfully) to hide all day. So embarrassing!

  • I am incredibly anal when it comes to drying my clothes. I am so paranoid that something I love will shrink in the dryer! To be honest, I don’t really even need a dryer as I air~dry everything except my socks and a few knit tops that tend to grow in the wash. But it’s worked out well ~ I have bras and panties from my brief stint at Victoria’s Secret six and a half years ago that are still in like~new condition. Wash that lingerie on the delicate cycle and air~dry it, ladies! If you do, it will last forever!

  • When I'm sewing, I sometimes drop pins on the floor. And if I can't find them after a quick glance at the potential drop area, I sometimes leave them there. Horrible, I know. Especially considering that Dear Almost~Little~Brother~in~Law's feet seem to be a magnet for pins...

That's it for this week ~ we're finishing our move tomorrow and cleaning the old place on Sunday, so I have a feeling I'm going to be a little too busy (and tired!) to blog.

Have a fabulous weekend and enjoy the sun for me!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Favorite Thing of the Week ~ Dangly Earrings

Like most girls, I love jewelry. Diamonds in particular, but that is a different story for a different day. I begged and pleaded and was given permission to get my ears pierced when I was eight ~ it was a traumatic experience: I had them pierced in a kiosk in the middle of the mall WITH A NEEDLE in front of a curious crowd that I’m sure was amused by my tears and proclamation that I would be just fine having one ear pierced (the pain of the first piercing was apparently much too severe to risk going through a second time). In junior high, my best friend and I got second holes in our ears, and in high school, I got the then~popular cartilage piercing on different spots in both ears.

Considering my many ear holes, you may be surprised to hear that I don’t often wear earrings. Rings and a silver necklace? Yes. Earrings? Not so much. An ex bought me diamond earrings for Christmas one year that I wore for the duration of our relationship, but when things ended on a sour note, out came the diamonds and my ears went naked. (On a side note, does anyone have any great ideas for getting rid of jewelry from yucky exes? I have two pairs of diamond earrings, a pearl necklace, and a diamond necklace that I will never ever wear again…) Until this past weekend. I discovered some adorable dangly earrings in the gift shop at the condo we stayed at in Vegas, and my ears have been adorned with pretty silver dangles ever since!

I L~O~V~E dangly earrings! They’re fun and sassy and make me feel all fancy! When time allows, I plan on digging out my beads and sterling wire and making some, but in the meantime, I may treat myself to these:

Or these:

Or maybe these:

Which do you prefer? Are you an earring girl? Posts, hoops, or danglies?


Wordless Wednesday ~ Earth Day

This week's topic for Wordless Wednesday is... Earth Day! Visit Dixie to join in the fun!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Joys of a New Home

We’ve begun the move into our new house and are both pretty excited about being in a new place that is just ours. (I’ve enjoyed living with Dear Little Brother and Dear Almost~Little~Sister~in~Law but it’s time for us to be on our own.) The house has some features that I love: hardwood floors throughout the main area of the house ~ no more vacuuming for me!; three bedrooms, which means that we each get our own room to do whatever we want with ~ I’m turned mine into the sewing room I’ve always wanted; a secret room off the upstairs bathroom that will be perfect for storage and for hiding in should our house ever be raided; and a beautiful shaded yard that will be perfect for my Daisy pup once we bring her home.

The house is an older home, built sometime in the 1940’s, so of course it has all the charm of a house from that era. Unfortunately, this charm comes with a few features I’m not overly crazy about. The first, and most annoying, is the missing dishwasher. The only time I’ve ever lived without a dishwasher was the year I lived in the dorm, and to be honest, I didn’t do much fine dining then. Washing dishes by hand is far from my favorite thing, but I suppose I best be getting used to it!

Our new kitchen is also lacking a garbage disposal. Surprise surprise, I know. Scraping plates into the garbage instead of washing excess food down the sink is a new thing for me. I feel like I’m going back to the Stone Age! I wonder where I can find one of these cute little kitchen pails...

I suppose I should be happy that the house has washer and dryer hookups (I have a wonderful set of front~loading machines) and that I don’t have to use one of these for the laundry!

Promise to post pictures of the new place soon,

Monday, April 20, 2009

People Amaze Me...

Just got back from the restroom where I watched a woman who works in my building quickly run her hands under the water sans soap after using the facilities. She is well~known for her lack of hygiene (we often hear her from the stalls wash her hands much too quickly to properly clean them) but I hadn't ever actually seen her failure to use soap with my own eyes. This grosses me out to no end, especially considering that I get to touch the same door handle with my CLEAN hands that she just touched with her DIRTY ones. I almost said something ~ "Whoops! I think you forgot the soap there!" but stopped myself, unsure of how my comment would be taken.

What do you think? Should I have commented on her "hand~washing" technique?


I ran into Miss I~Don't~Need~To~Use~Soap again in the bathroom this afternoon, and she actually used soap when she quickly cleaned her hands! Perhaps she noticed my look of disgust at her failure to use soap this morning? Let's hope this wasn't a one~time thing and she realizes how much better clean hands feel than dirty ones!

Friend Makin' Mondays ~ Celebrity Crushes

This week, Andrea at My Chihuahua Bites is hosting Friend Makin' Mondays for Kasey at All That Is Good. This week's topic is amazingly fun ~ we're sharing our top 5 celebrity crushes. Here (in no particular order) are mine!

Mark Walhberg. Okay, so I lied about the whole "in no particular order" thing. Marky Mark is my number one celebrity crush, and has been since the mid-90's. I love him in all of his movies, no matter how ridiculous they are. One of my faves is The Big Hit ~ if you're a Mark fan and haven't seen this one, get yourself to Target or Wal~Mart and buy yourself a copy. It's incredibly silly, but he's absolutely adorable in it!

Hugh Jackman. I've had a big~time crush on Hugh since the first X-Men movie came out. I love his brooding demeanor, Wolverine~perfect hair, and amazing six~pack!

Joel McHale. What girl doesn't love a guy who can make her laugh? Joel always pulls through for me in this department. I don't catch every episode of The Soup, but I love love love the ones that I do watch. In my humble opinion, Joel's style of comedy is in a class of its own.

Will Smith. He's an amazing actor, has a fabulous body, and is fun to look at. Plus he makes me cry every time I watch Seven Pounds. Enough said.

Val Kilmer. It's hard to say which movie I like Val in more ~ The Saint or Tombstone... He seems to have disappeared from Hollywood as of late, and he is sorely missed. Val, come back to us!

Visit Andrea to view more celebrity crushes or to join in the fun.

As always, have a wonderful Monday!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Get Fit While Blogging!

So I know I’m supposed to be taking a bloggy break, but I miss blogging! I miss all of the blogs I follow on a daily basis, I miss having an outlet to share my thoughts and feelings, and I miss getting fun little comments. And yes, I realize that this is sad and pathetic considering I’ve only been on my little break since Saturday. Oh well. I’m back!

I found this little article on Shine this morning ~ Ten Ways to Get Fit While You’re Glued to the Computer ~ and just had to share it. Now we can get in shape WHILE WE BLOG! How fabulous is this?!? I wonder how long before I’ll start to see results from the Twitter Tummy Tone…

Here are the ten moves outlined in the article:

1. Cyber Squats - Who says you have to sit when you're online? Set your chair aside for a few minutes and instead do squats as you cruise around the Web.

2. RSS Raises – As you're sitting at your desk, straighten your knees and lift your legs out in front of you. Do this as you catch up on your favorite blogs on your RSS reader.

3. 10 Minute Move it! Break #1 – Alternate jogging in place with jumping jacks – do a minute of each and repeat 5 times.

4. Twitter Tummy Tone - Tighten your abs for 30 seconds and then release. Do this as you tweet.

5. Social Squeezes – Tighten your glutes for 30 seconds and then release. (Good thing no one can see you at this social, right?) Repeat as you Stumble, Digg, or Friend on Facebook.

6. 10 Minute Move it! Break #2 – Grab a step stool and climb up and down – get creative if you like and alternate knee lifts at the top of the step.

7. Inbox Incline - While you're sitting with your feet on the floor, raise your heels so you are on the balls of your feet and lower them. Make sure you can feel it in your calves. Do this as you read and reply to your emails.

8. 10 Minute Move it! Break #3 – Do walking lunges around the house or office. Want to make it more challenging? Add some weights and do bicep curls at the same time.

9. Blogger Breather - Grab a quick minute to just close your eyes and focus on your breath. Count to 10 as you slowly inhale through your nose, thinking positive thoughts. Exhale through your mouth, again counting to 10. This time release all the tension and stress out of your body. Repeat if you have a few more seconds.

10. Sign Off Stretches. Your neck and shoulders can get pretty tense when you sit at a computer too long. So loosen them up throughout the day with:
a) Shoulder shrugs - with your head at your chest, shrug your shoulders up and down.
b) Neck Rolls - relax your shoulders and let your head roll forward. Slowly rotate your head in a circle. Repeat five times.

Ladies, do you see yourself doing any of these moves? Which ones sound the best? Or the most ridiculous? Worth a shot though ~ as Vivienne noted in her comment, all the little things do add up!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!


Saturday, April 11, 2009

~ 8 Things ~

So I know I said I was going to take a bloggy break, but Rhonda at Down Memory Lane tagged all of us with this fun little questionnaire and I just have to do it! I really should be packing, but taking 15 minutes to do this shouldn't set me back too much. :o)

8 Things I Am Looking Forward To:

1. Going to Vegas next week.
2. Moving into our adorable new house.
3. Getting my new puppy! I talked to the breeder this week and she's expecting the mama to deliver very soon. I can't wait to bring my Daisy home!
4. Getting the Zumba DVDs I just bought on ebay in the mail. I love doing aerobics at home and am looking forward to trying something new.
5. Taking dance classes again with my sweetie. We need to get him all caught up with me so we can start going out dancing more. (I used to compete in ballroom and salsa dancing and really miss it ~ it'll be so good to get back into it.)
6. Expanding my business to include more wedding accessories and hair clips.
7. Paying off my student loans.
8. Getting married and becoming a mama (of course, this probably won't happen for years, but I'm still looking forward to it!).

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Went out to dinner at my favorite restaurant ~ Skipper's! ~ with my family.
2. Had a completely free food day. I snacked on my favorite cereal ~ Special K Chocolately Delight ~ all morning, had peanut m&m's this afternoon, ate greasy fish for dinner followed up with a dipped cone at Dairy Queen, and then finished off the day with buttery popcorn and Mike & Ike's. Back to eating healthy today. :o)
3. Worked on updating my website ~
4. Snuggled with my sweetie while we watched Seven Pounds on the couch.
5. Caught up on almost everything I had to do at work.
6. Rejoiced when I heard that Baby Stellan was moved out of the PICU and has had very few bouts of SVT over the past few days.
7. Mourned when I heard of the Spohr family's loss.
8. Emptied the dishwasher for one of the last times ~ our new house doesn't have one!

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Lose the ten pounds I've been trying to lose for the past year.
2. Quit my day job and put all my focus on my garter business.
3. Go ballroom/salsa/country dancing 3+ nights a week ~ when I was right out of college, I danced that often and was in the best shape of my life ~ I never even had to go to the gym!
4. Fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow instead of laying awake for hours worrying about how tired I'm going to be in the morning.
5. Adopt a kitty or two in addition to my puppy.
6. Hire a maid so I can have the clean house I want without having to do the work. (I am incredibly lazy when it comes to house work!)
7. Find a church that my boyfriend and I can both call our church home.
8. Spend a few months traveling. Our must~see spots include Italy, Greece, and Australia.

8 Shows I Watch:
1. Big Love
2. Heroes
3. House
4. Grey's Anatomy
5. Rock of Love (I'm slightly ashamed to admit that I watch this ~ we watch it every Sunday with Little Brother and his girlfriend. I probably wouldn't watch it otherwise, although there is something remarkably addicting about trashy reality television.)
6. Castle
7. Brothers & Sisters
8. Ugly Betty

I would like to tag anyone who would like to join in the fun!

Have a fabulous weekend!


Friday, April 10, 2009

A Bloggy Break

With everything that's going on right now, I've decided to take a little bloggy break. Work is crazy, we're spending four days in Vegas next week, and we start moving a week from Monday (and I have only done a minimal amount of packing so far). Needless to say, I have much to do that takes a slight priority over blogging! (Although I really wish it didn't ~ I love to blog!)

Just wanted to explain my absence in advance!

Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wordless Wednesday ~ Easter

We're midway through the week once again and it's time for Wordless Wednesday! This week's topic is Easter.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Favorite Thing of the Week ~ Pincushions!

I have fallen in love with pincushions, and they are officially my favorite thing of the week! I did a little searching on Google and Flickr and here’s what I found!

I think it may be time for me to start making/collecting these adorable and functional little sewing tools. The red strawberry is my favorite ~ which one do you like best?
Happy Tuesday!
