This week is very light on fabulous finds ~ I've still been pretty busy with work and unpacking our new place. Man, moving is exhausting! But it does feel good to finally be getting settled in and I love the fact that I am now just five minutes away from work! This will be perfect when Daisy comes home ~ I'll be able to come home on my lunch break to let her out and have a little cuddle time. Seven weeks and one day (and counting!) before she'll be here with us!
Back to business though ~ instead of my usual fabulous finds, I'm just going to share what Nate baked last night because it truly was fabulous. He made the most delicious cookies by adding Andes mints to a chocolate chip cookie recipe. So so yummy, and a fun twist on an all~time favorite dessert. (I have a guy who cooks and bakes. How lucky am I?!? On top of that, he made me a fabulous lunch for today including a chef salad, carrots, and of course, an Andes mint~chocolate chip cookie!) I guess the fact that I ate three of these little bites of heaven tonight means that I really blew my new "healthy eating" resolution for the day... They really are amazing though, and I would totally recommend surprising your family and friends with a little something extra in their chocolate chip cookies!
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Now onto Friday Confessions with JennyKate. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed writing down little things to share for this throughout the week. It's a fun way to confess little tidbits about myself, and I've really enjoyed learning more about JennyKate through her confessions. I think it would be great if we could get more people to join in! Here are my weekly confessions:
- I started my new weight loss plan on Monday and managed to cheat that day and the next ~ I shared an ice cream Drumstick with Nate Monday night and had half a maple bar Tuesday morning at work (I just couldn’t resist the yummy smell). Oh and then there were the Andes mint~chocolate chip cookies last night... I clearly have zero self~control.
- I may be addicted to the Internet in general and the blog world specifically… We were without Internet last weekend due to our move and I literally went through withdrawals! Thank goodness I can check my email and MckMama’s Twitter updates on my phone, or I would have gone insane!
- I have a rather extensive collection of beer bottle caps. I started collecting them last year when Dear Almost~Little~Brother~in~Law jokingly suggested it would be fun to collect a bunch ~ I thought it would be fun to make some sort of project out of them, maybe a table top for our game room or something. I now have two boxes full of them (a friend gifted me some from a friend of a friend’s dad or something like that), and if I’m honest with myself, I know that I will probably never make anything out of them. But I can’t get rid of them and I can’t stop collecting them!
- I am not much of a list maker. I never use them to grocery shop ~ usually I have no problem remembering everything I need to buy. But this week was a little different ~ as we were moving in, the list of things we needed to pick up for the house grew and grew and grew. So I decided to break away from my normal routine, and make an actual list. I was so proud of myself ~ I added to the list throughout the week as I discovered little things we needed. We went to WalMart last night to make our purchases, and completely forgot to grab the list! Fortunately, we were able to remember all but two of the items!