Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Few Fun Awards!

I have gotten several awards over the past few months and for whatever reason, I haven’t taken the time to “accept” them until now. I’m a horrible bloggy friend, I know! I promise to try to be better from here on out!

The first award ~ The Love Ya Award ~ is from my best bloggy friend, Mrs. Soup. We’ve bonded over our shared love of life in the Pacific Northwest, our history of dance, our love of books, and too many other similarities we’ve discovered to list here. If you haven’t visited her adorable blog yet, get on over there and say hi. She is fabulous, and she has the cutest little daughter who she posts pictures of on a daily basis!

The “Love Ya” Award states: These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

Mrs. Soup {I know it’s cheesy to give the award back to the one who awarded it, but I can’t help it. I love Mrs. Soup!}

Vivienne @
The V Spot

Amber @ {aefilkins}

Lins @ Goodbye, Martha

Christy @ Pop Rocks for Breakfast

Tanielle @ The Polka Dot Daisy

Xazmin @ This Is The Year

Becca @ The Texas Darlings

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Mrs. Soup also gave me this award:

I’m suppose to list 5 obsessions I have and then tag 5 others.

1. My beautiful little puppy, Daisy. Yes, I know she has four legs and a tail, but I adore her just about as much as I would a child. I didn’t think it was possible to love an animal this much, especially one who can be such a handful! Last week, she actually peed on the living room floor in protest when I refused to share my ice cream cone with her!

2. Ribbon. This comes as no surprise to anyone who reads my blog regularly. I LOVE ribbon, and have a little bit of a problem when it comes to purchasing it. I can’t stop. Boxes of beautiful ribbon in new colors and patterns arrive at our house several times a week. I try to pretend that I don’t know WHY these companies keep sending me ribbon, but Nate stopped falling for that long ago. At least I have a fabulous selection for garter~making!

3. Growing my garter business. I have dreams of one day making garters and other wedding accessories full~time. I would love to be my own boss and support myself by doing something I love. Garters are almost always on my mind ~ I am constantly thinking of new ideas for garters and ways I can increase my sales as I inch closer and closer to earning a decent living from my little business.

4. My iPod. I have it with me at all times, and panic if I temporarily misplace it. Life at work is pretty lonely for me ~ I am on the opposite end of the floor as the rest of my department and don’t get a lot of human interaction throughout the day. To combat this, I listen to audiobooks while I work. I haven’t worked a day without my iPod in four years, and have even driven home to get it after discovering that it didn’t make its way back into my purse after being used at home. The idea of sitting in my quiet little office with no kind voice reading to me from my iPod makes me shutter!

5. Getting married. I am OBSESSED with tying the knot. Probably because I am rapidly approaching 30 and still have a ringless left hand. And I’m sure working on wedding garters every day and attending multiple weddings a year with Nate while he DJ’s doesn’t help. I cannot wait to make my own wedding preparations, to have my dad walk me down the aisle, and to start wedded life with the man of my dreams.

I would like to give this award to:

Tina @ Bitter Sweet Moments

JenJen @ Tatertots and Jello

Becca @ The Texas Darlings

J.J. @ I'd Rather Be Laughing

JennyKate @ JennyKate's Spot

I still have one more award {this one is from the lovely Miss Tina @ Bitter Sweet Moments} to accept and pass on, but I am holding off on that one until next week.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!


Badass Geek said...

I love, love, love my iPod, too.

onegirliegirl said...

Congratulations to you and everyone else!!

They are all super friends in the blog world!! Love to read them all!

xoxo ~Lisa

Kathy Campbell said...

Oh, you are just too sweet! I love you too!!

And iPods are the best invention ever....

jennykate77 said...

Awe, THANK YOU, Miss Heather! You're the sweetest!!! I promise to post asap! :) I've been failing in my blogging responsibilities as of late, but I'm striving to do better. I've really missed all my bloggy buddies. Hope you have a great day!!

Jen @ said...

Hi Heather!
Thanks so much for the award. You are adorable! I loved reading your lists!

Have a wonderful week!


Unknown said...

Congrats on your awards! And thank you for gifting me with some!!! You are so sweet!!


Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

Oh Thank you! I am so happy to get this one! :) Right back at ya!

Christie in Dallas, TX said...

Ah, Heather, that's so sweet! Wow, I'm in a list with some pretty cool women -- what an honor!

And I totally share your obsession with ribbon. I have way too much... (I should send some to you!) :-)

Tanielle said...

Congratulations, and thanks!!! You are such a sweetie!! I hope things slow down for you a bit!:-)

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I have a ribbon obsession you will see on my blog...enjoyed my visit...Hope you will stop by and visit my new Christmas blog. There is a great giveaway that ends tonight.