Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Did You Know My Boyfriend is a Fabulous Photographer?

Just feeling the need to brag. Nate's taken some amazing pictures lately and I'm so proud of his work. You can check out his work at Sado Photography. He also takes all of my garter pictures {without complaint!} ~ it is great having a photographer in the family!

On a side note, I miss all my bloggy friends so much. Wedding season is in full swing and I'm up to my ears in garter orders. That, combined with the fact that I can no longer log into Blogger or even visit a website with "blogspot" in the address at work, has made it hard to get caught up on my favorite blogs. I'm sorry for the neglect and hope things slow down just a little bit soon!


Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

I will have to check out his site. How lucky for you!

I hope your business is going well. We miss you too!


Kathy Campbell said...

I love Nate's photos. He is very talented!

And I miss you too, hon. Although I hope things don't slow down too much!

Badass Geek said...

He's got some good stuff!

Unknown said...

It's good to be busy, isn't it?!

But we miss you...come back soon!


Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

Busy is good! That means you are working at something you love.