Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Our New “Thing” ~ Acroyoga

Dan in Real Life is one of my favorite movies {it’s a close second after my all~time favorite, Crocodile Dundee}, and every time I watch it, I want to learn some of the couples stretching that Dane Cook and Juliette Binoche do together after the scene pictured below. {I couldn’t find a picture of the actual stretching scene which shows Dane and Juliette’s characters stretching each other out as Steve Carell watches on with a pained look on his face.} Nate and I did a little looking for a couples stretching or yoga video after we first saw the movie, but came up empty~handed, and I kinda forgot all about it.

But Monday morning, it all came back to me when I got an email from Fitness Magazine sharing some extreme yoga poses. I forwarded the email to Nate, and joked that we should try this. He replied that it sounded great and that he’d found some Acroyoga videos on YouTube for us to use as demos. Not one to disappoint my dear, sweet boyfriend, I agreed, hoping I could talk him out of it later. Well, last night, I just didn’t have the heart to turn him down when he asked if we could try some poses. We did a little of this {on the floor of our workout room, not on rocks, of course}…

And a little of this…

And one of these…

And I absolutely loved it! Trust, especially when it comes to my physical safety, has always been hard for me, but I just told myself that I probably wouldn’t get TOO hurt if I did fall and then I just went for it! It was a great workout, and we had so much fun with it. I can’t wait to try some more tonight! But it may be awhile before we tackle these poses!

Who knows thought? Maybe I'll surprise myself again and find that balancing upside down on Nate's shoulders isn't as hard as it looks. :o)

*** UPDATE *** I have removed the *dirty* picture that I didn't realize was so dirty until it was pointed out to me by several people. I swear there is nothing dirty or R-rated about acroyoga. Or at least there's not the way I do it!


Anonymous said...

Wow!! Your boyfriend is awesome to try those out with you! I'll stick with getting massages and having him stretch me for now...but maybe I can convince Mr. Soup to try those with me....

Does Daisy help you out?

Kristina P. said...

I don't like even regular yoga! This freaks me out!

Lins said...

Wow. I think I'm impressed by y'all's skillz. :)

Badass Geek said...

Holy cow. That is kind of scary.

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

m'kay... some of those look like they should have an R rating....

Amber Filkins said...

What the holy heck!? Yes, I agree with Viv. I'm sure you found some really interesting ones. Hmmmmmm....wonder why Nate is so game??? :)

Unknown said...

Wow- I've never even heard of this stuff.....looks way to hard and complicated to me!! But awesome that you tried it and liked it!!


Jen said...

Wow! I'd never heard of this either! Might have to try it...

Kasey said...

I have to admit my first thought was Kinky! but really I think that is awesome. I don't think my husband would do it though, but we did run and lift weights together. I do Namaste yoga and love it! it's not partner but single. Good stuff, good stuff!

Christie in Dallas, TX said...

I think my husband and I would end up with great abs if we did this, only because we would be laughing soooo hard that we would give those muscles a good work-out! I MUST show this to my husband -- his response will be priceless, no doubt!

Katie said...

Oh man bummer, I missed out on the non dirty, dirty photo! LOL I'd have had to pass it on to my SIL, a pilates instructor and yoga enthusiast.