Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Feeling Blah

I've been suffering from a case of the Bloggy Blahs lately. I have been tagged, given an award, have a book I want to write a recommendation on, and have several ideas for posts, but I just can't motivate myself to do any of it! So my blog and I have decided to take a break during which we hope to get our bloggy mojo back. With any luck, we'll be back next week!


Tina said...

I know how you feel because I have been in the same funky way about blogging!

I think it is summer time and I am being lazy!!!!!!!!!!!LOL

Have a great week...

Anonymous said...

*sniff* I'll miss you!


Amber Filkins said...

Oh, I definitely know how you feel. FOR.SURE. I haven't been blogging very much lately either. I have ideas, but just NO desire. I'm starting to get my mojo back. We'll miss you while you're gone.

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

Take a break, do whatever, yadda yadda, just come back some time in the fairly near future. Like, if you aren't at least giving us a heads up by, say, mid to late August, we may need to form a search party and put out an APB...
(I'm just sayin')

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

Oh! I just figured it out! You aren't having a bloggy block... You're having a DOGGY block. You just like Daisy more than us.

Jen @ said...

hi Heather!
I know how you feel! I have been feeling like that the past couple of weeks. You go enjoy the summer and come back when you feel like it.


Unknown said...

I know what you need to do.....get those garters done and break out tha tnew machine of yours and make some cool stuff!!

Then come back and tell us about it!!


Katie said...

Girlfriend I know what you mean! I'm having a bit too much I HAVE to do, deadlines put on myself and not because anyone is forcing me to blog. All I want to do is surf blogs, look at pretty things I can't afford, and comment at all my girlfriend's blogs. But instead I spent three hours fooling around with a review. Can I take a week off with ya?

jennykate77 said...

ME TOO, girlfriend! I'm trying desperately to get out of it, but just haven't found my way yet. I'm hoping once things aren't as busy and summer draws to an end, things will get back to normal! I'm glad to read that you've been busy with you fabulous garters. :) Wedding season is good for business, huh?! Hope you're having a great week!

Bitter Sweet Moments said...

Hi! I couldn't possibly compile a list of lovely blogs without featuring your beautiful work. In celebration of all things lovely, would you consider stopping by sometime to accept an award from me?

Kenlie said...

There's just so much going on in the summer...and even when things are slow, it's easy to enjoy lazy summer days. Come back when you want to, but I hope you don't stay gone for too long...

Tanielle said...

I hear ya on this one! I end up sprawled out on my bed watching t.v. I'm trying to get caught up! Plus with summer, it's hard not to have a million other things to do.

Hope your weekend is a great one!