Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Struggling to Find Balance

It’s been over a year and a half since I started my garter business, and as business has improved and sales have gone up, I have found it harder and harder to keep some semblance of a normal life. The demands of my business, combined with choir practice, Daisy’s obedience training, and dance class, means there’s little free time to be had. It’s hard to believe, but I spent TWENTY-SIX hours working this past weekend. I feel like I struggle on a daily basis to balance it all, and many things, including blogging, working out, and just relaxing, have fallen through the cracks.

I’m hoping to make a change in the coming weeks, starting with blogging more regularly {and commenting on my favorite bloggers’ posts}. I’ve also closed my Etsy shop up for the next two weeks to get caught up on orders, work on some new designs, and just plain relax before the madness that is the summer wedding season starts in June. Nate and I have set one night a week to have a date night, and I’ve committed to taking Daisy on daily walks {weather~permitting} after work. It’s going to take some effort and re~prioritizing on my part, but I’m confident that I will find balance. So keep an eye out for more frequent blog posts, as well as pictures of new garters, coming soon!


Kathy Campbell said...

I am so so glad! You deserve to take some time for yourself and get things under control.

Let me know if there is ever anything I can do to help! I miss you!

Unknown said...

Good for you for setting priorities!! And also good that your business is successful!!

Glad to have you back!


Jen said...

Balance is the hardest thing in the world to find :) Good luck hunting it down! And congratulations on getting busier with your business - that is awesome and a testament to your talent