Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Extreme Makeover: Me Edition ~ My Fridge

It’s Wednesday and time for Extreme Makeover: Me Edition once again! For those unfamiliar with EM:ME, basically those of us that participate share our successes {and failures} of the week and our goals for the following week, and answer the question or complete the task that Amber has posed for the week. To join in, visit Amber’s blog here.

Not a lot to report this week ~ Nate kindly passed on his flu bug to me last Wednesday, and I am just now starting to feel normal again. I didn’t get a whole lot of working out in {which is no big surprise considering how crummy I felt!} and managed to gain back the 1 ½ pounds that I lost after just one day of not eating. What a bummer that was! What was surprising was how noticeable the 1 ½ pound loss was while it lasted ~ even Nate said he could tell a difference. So while I’m bummed that I couldn’t maintain that loss, I’m inspired that just a tiny loss can make a visible difference at this point for me.

Goals for the week:

~ Continue with daily calorie schedule I outlined last week.

~ Start dancing more. Nate and I have now taken two Argentine tango classes and really love it. {It helps that we’re pretty good at it, which our teacher constantly is pointing out!} After a few more lessons and practice sessions at home, I think we’ll be ready to go to a milonga, which is an Argentine tango dance party. These two classes have reminded me how much more I enjoy dancing than doing a traditional workout at home, and I’m really hoping that we’ll start venturing back out into the dance world so I don’t have to do so many cardio workouts in our upstairs roasting, stagnant~air workout room.

~ Work on upping my water intake. I’ve been slacking on this one lately, and think that I may have O.D’d on Crystal Light. It may be time to switch back to regular water for awhile!

~ Remember that I don't need to have a snack every time Nate does. He's a lot bigger than me, he can eat a lot more than I can, and I don't need to join him for the many snacks he has every night.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This week, we are sharing the contents of our fridge! I apologize for the horrific, grainy cell phone pictures ~ I didn’t know what today’s task was until I got to work, and Nate was kind enough to take a few pictures on his phone and send them to me. I’ll try to take some better pictures when I get home tonight. I’m usually pretty organized, but obviously that doesn’t extend to my refrigerator. Who knew it was such a mess?!?

Let’s start at the top with the freezer. We have some yummy Crystal Light popsicles, several Eating Right frozen dinners {these are Safeway’s attempt at healthy frozen entrees, but I’ve found that they have far more calories and fat grams than Lean Cuisine and Smart Ones}, some frozen fruit that I bought weeks ago to use in protein smoothies {haven’t quite gotten around to making those yet…}, a few bananas I plan on using to make banana bread, a bag of frozen ravioli and two Cornish game hens. On the door, I have a bunch of Smart Ones frozen dinners, including my favorite: Teriyaki Chicken & Vegetables.

Onto the fridge… There really is no rhyme or reason to how I have this organized, is there? Oh the top shelf, we have some tortillas, salsa, carrots, ham, a bag of spinach, and leftover lasagna from Sunday night.

Middle shelf ~ strawberries, eggs, more spinach and salad mixes, some uncovered jello from last week that by now probably tastes like everything else in the fridge, cheese, blueberries, a cut kiwi that Nate took a few pictures of on Sunday, butter, and leftover white sauce from last week.

The drawer under the middle shelf contains various cheeses, including my favorite Laughing Cow Light wedges.

Bottom shelf ~ a can of Classico marinara that I love to cover grilled chicken with to mix things up a bit, yogurt for the as~yet~unmade protein smoothies, beer {it’s hidden behind the Classico and yogurt}, milk, water, and a pitcher of Crystal Light.

Not pictured ~ produce drawers containing apples, oranges, and who knows what else? :o)

The fridge door ~ 50 thousand different kinds of salad dressings {I told you all I was on a salad kick!} and various other condiments.

Wow. I am going to organize my fridge as soon as I get home. What a disaster!

Good luck to all this week!

Oh and be sure to stop by and enter my garter giveaway here if you haven't already! This is the garter that's up for grabs!



Tina said...

Stopping by to say Happy Wednesday....gee your fridge is packed...mine is always so bare! LOL

Connie said...

You have lots of great choices in there! So sorry that you were sick!

Have a great week!

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

Yep, yep, yep. It all sounds good.
(Except for your onion chicken jello...)

Jen said...

I LOVE Laughing Cow cheese, too!

Keep up the good work!

Amber Filkins said...

So nice of your man to take pics for you! Your fridge is packed!! Let me know how those smoothies turn out!

I did NOT dig that Laughing Cow cheese, sorry!! Blech.


Jen @ said...

Hi Heather!
I don't think your fridge is that bad. And those crystal light popsicles - did you make those or buy them? That is a great idea!


Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

That is so fantastic that you're taking tango lessons! How fun! Wish I could get hubby to do something like that ;)

Your fridge looks great! I can't ever seem to find anything to eat in mine ;)

Sharee said...

showin' off with the smart ones huh? Smooth

Kenlie said...

Good choices are packed in your fridge and freezer. :) I didn't think about photographing my freezer too, but if I had you would have seen tons of WW ice cream, Lean Cuisines and things like that. :)

Lynn said...

It is always nice when hubby notices the weight loss. I am off to the grocery to buy the stuff for smoothies, it seems to be a summertime theme.

jennykate77 said...

What a cute garter!!! You're super talented!

Your fridge looks very healthy! :) We share similiar likes...I like those little Crystal Light thingys and that marinara sauce you mentioned for chicken (Classico) is REALLY yummy!

I'm glad you're feeling better. Your goals for the week sound great!

Hope you're having a terrific day!